Are Piano Lessons Worth It For Kids?

Table of Contents

    Have you ever considered enrolling your child in piano lessons but aren’t sure if it’s the right decision? While it can sometimes be an intimidating endeavour – financially and emotionally-there are many incredible benefits of taking music lessons! 

    From developing creative problem-solving strategies to increasing self-discipline and motivation, the advantages of playing an instrument are only growing. 

    So whether your little one has a passion for melodies or wants something new to try, taking piano lessons is a great way to expand their skill set while having fun! 

    Let’s take a look at why piano could be a perfect choice and whether or not piano lessons are worth it for kids!

    Preparations Before Piano Lessons

    A few things need to be done, purchased, learned and decided upon before starting your child on piano lessons.

    Once you’ve checked off all the items on this list, you’ll be a magnificently equipped parent entering the job of supporting the development of an emerging little (or maybe not so little) pianist, and the learning curve for your child will have been shortened by months (or more!).

    Acquire a Piano

    This may be obvious, or you may not. In case that isn’t clear, allow me to elaborate. Your kid needs a keyboard at home to practice in between classes if they want to make any headway. 

    Only consider planning piano lessons if you already own a piano, except if you plan on using the money for extremely pricey child care.

    A high-quality acoustic piano is what you should aim for, but if you happen to be living in a tiny apartment or house, a digital piano may be more convenient. 

    Your kid will develop a better “touch” on an acoustic piano than on a digital piano, which is why you want to invest in an acoustic piano. Acoustic pianos capture harmonics when you silently push the notes and play other notes, for example.

    Suppose you decide that a digital piano is the way to go. In that case, you’ll find they come with several convenient features that traditional pianos lack, such as the ability to record your performance and select from a wide range of tones. 

    Of course, the number and quality of these features will depend on the digital piano you purchase. 

    Specifically, it would help to have a keyboard with weighted keys, touch sensitivity, a fixed pedal, a sturdy music stand, and a sound faithful to a piano instead of an electric keyboard.

    Maintain Your Acoustic Piano

    Finding a piano tuner, scheduling an appointment with them, and being present while they tuned the piano constitutes a more excellent administrative hassle than a significant financial outlay. 

    Still, an out-of-tune piano will make playing it less enjoyable for your child(ren) and less enjoyable to listen to for you as well.

    Keep a Piano at Home for Months or Years Before Starting Lessons

    The goal is to familiarise the kid with the piano (because it’s just something you do) and give them a chance to play it extensively before formal lessons begin.

    Playing the Piano Before Lessons Is a Good Idea

    A youngster can learn the piano without fear of damaging the instrument. The experience will help them become more comfortable with the instrument’s layout (with the black notes in groups of two and three between the white notes). 

    The piano can produce soft sounds when pressing more lightly, prolonged noises while depressing the pedal, etc., and high sounds to the right and low sounds to the left. 

    This can help your child feel more comfortable experimenting with ‘new’ piano techniques in the first several months of instruction, saving time and frustration.

    Buy a Height-Adjustable Chair/Stool/Bench

    Comfort and ease in playing the piano depend significantly on the pianist’s seating position. 

    The inability to find the ideal height can hinder the pianist’s ability to produce musically satisfying tones; instead of relying on cushions, set up a system that will allow your youngster to sit at the piano with the most excellent possible comfort at all times.

    Ensure That Your Kid Is Familiar With the Alphabet

    This won’t be discussed until later in the course of study, but if your child already knows the musical alphabet, they’ll be ahead of the game by at least half a session. 

    If your kid can reverse engineer those letters, you’ve saved two additional full classes in the first year of school.

    close up hand touching tablet

    Advantages of Piano Lessons for Kids

    For kids, learning to play the piano has a lot of advantages. Here, we highlight a few of them, hoping that doing so would inspire you to start your kid on a lifelong love of music.

    While some youngsters may show early promise on the piano, few parents harbour any aspirations for their child to pursue music as a career. 

    Instead, focus on the advantages and opportunities your child will receive from playing this time-tested instrument.

    Self-Expression And The Creative Process

    Everyone agrees that encouraging a child’s imagination is essential for that child’s growth. Creative outlets are crucial and should never be discounted. 

    The piano provides a nearly boundless outlet for expression. Your kid can learn not only how to play the music of others but also how to create their pieces. Practice sessions at the piano can be just as stimulating intellectually as they are enjoyable socially.

    The ability to think creatively and in a non-linear fashion is another area where musicians excel. Being able to come up with novel answers to complex, open-ended issues is an example of divergent thinking. 

    Your child’s capacity to creatively tackle complex problems improves as they play the piano. It’s great to see this vital skill being taught to young children.

    Positive Effects On Thought Processing

    Playing an instrument might be beneficial to cognitive health. In general, this has been proven to be correct! 

    Playing an instrument regularly helps fortify the neural pathways that link the brain’s two hemispheres. Your child’s memory, problem-solving, and communication abilities will all see enduring gains.

    Based on this knowledge, playing the piano is a fantastic way to train your brain. It has 88 keys, and playing it with two hands demands great multitasking and coordination. 

    It’s easy to see that pianists’ brains are receiving a thorough workout when you consider all the mental effort into the art form, from reading sheet music to keeping a steady posture to learning how to use the foot pedals.

    Positive Effects On Behavior And Society

    Learning to play the piano well takes a lot of practice and dedication. Children may initially struggle with this, but the structure and practice they receive in lessons quickly pay off in positive social and behavioural outcomes.

    First, taking piano lessons might be beneficial because of the encouraging and positive atmosphere they foster in a youngster. Their ability to concentrate and focus on tasks may improve, and their attention span will lengthen over time.

    It’s also important to note the social benefits of taking piano instruction. Children who receive individual instruction can better absorb new information and articulate their difficulties to their tutors.

    These abilities are functional in a wide variety of social contexts. You may help your child socialize and prepare for future musical opportunities by encouraging them to play an instrument.

    Supplementing Previous Knowledge

    We’ve seen that piano lessons are suitable for kids’ brains, but there are other ways in which piano practice can help your kid succeed-especially when considering what they have learned and experienced at school.

    Though we only touched on it briefly, attention span is essential in any educational setting. School distractions are a common problem for many students, especially those in elementary and middle school. In addition to the natural gain in focus that comes with maturation, many students report that taking piano lessons has significantly improved their academic performance.

    Educating One Another Is A Pleasure.

    The piano isn’t just good for kids! These days, more and more working adults are returning to school. Both complete beginners and lapsed musicians looking to get back into playing the piano are included here. 

    If you’re thinking of teaching your kid piano, why not take the plunge and take the lessons with them?

    Should Young People Take Up The Piano Or Other Instruments?

    Yes, absolutely & no. Of course, a kid should learn an instrument if they want to, but it’s not mandatory. Brain scan studies consistently find that listening to music boosts cognitive abilities.

    Parents should seize the opportunity if a youngster shows even the slightest interest in taking classes. 

    Adults may regret not practising for longer; they might want to be able to sit down only at a piano to play anything, but young people typically don’t give such considerations any weight. They don’t see the point in taking up the piano now that they’re adults, even if it’s to have something fun to do.


    Piano lessons are entertaining and educational. Music classes improve creativity, self-discipline, and motivation. Before enrolling your child in piano instruction, get a piano and keyboard. 

    A digital piano may be more convenient than a high-quality acoustic piano if you live in a small house or apartment. Digital pianos can record your performance and offer a wide spectrum of tones, whereas acoustic pianos catch harmonics when you silently push and play notes.

    Before lessons, keep a piano at home for months or years. To familiarise the child with the piano’s layout, play before lessons. 

    Finally, a height-adjustable chair/stool/bench can help the pianist play musically. If your child learns the musical alphabet, they can skip two first-year classes. These ideas can help your child love music for life.

    This essay emphasises the benefits of piano lessons for children. They include self-expression and creativity, cognitive health, behaviour and society, and non-linear thinking. 

    As it has 88 keys and demands multitasking and coordination, playing the piano is great brain training. Piano lessons can also encourage children to learn and communicate with their teachers.

    Piano lessons benefit kids’ brains in other ways, too. If a child wants to take classes, parents should take advantage. Learning is fun. Should kids play the piano or other instruments? It’s optional. Young individuals rarely regret not practising longer, unlike adults.

    front view female musician with piano keyboard acoustic guitar writing songs

    Content Summary

    • Should Children Take Up Piano Study?
    • Has it ever crossed your mind to get your kid some piano lessons, but you weren’t sure if it was a good idea?
    • The investment of time and energy required for music lessons can be daunting, both monetarily and emotionally. But, the payoff is well worth the effort.
    • The benefits of learning to play an instrument, which already includes enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities, as well as greater self-control and drive, continue to grow.
    • Taking piano lessons is a wonderful opportunity for your child to learn new skills while having a blast, whether they already have a knack for music or are just curious.
    • Why is the piano a good option, and should kids take piano lessons?
    • Getting Ready for Piano Lessons There are a few things you should do, buy, learn, and decide on before starting your child on piano lessons.
    • After you’ve accomplished everything on this list, you’ll be a superbly prepared parent entering the task of fostering the development of a budding (or not-so-burgeoning) pianist, and your child’s learning curve will be lowered by months (or more!).
    • Invest in a Piano Perhaps you already know this, but maybe not.
    • For your child to make any progress in keyboarding, you should provide them with a keyboard to use at home in their free time.
    • Planning piano lessons is only a good idea if you already own a piano or need the money for expensive child care.
    • You should strive for an excellent acoustic piano, but a digital piano may be more practical if you have a small home or apartment.
    • You should get an acoustic piano instead of a digital one because it will help your child acquire a more natural “touch” when playing the instrument.
    • Let’s say you’ve settled on a digital piano as your prefered option.
    • The amount and sophistication of these capabilities will, of course, vary with the specific digital piano you end up buying.
    • In particular, a piano-like electronic keyboard with weighted keys, touch sensitivity, a fixed pedal, a strong music stand, and a true piano sound would be useful.
    • Keep Your Acoustic Piano in Good Condition More than a big cash expense, finding a piano tuner, setting an appointment with them, and being present while they tune the piano comprises an excellent administrative nuisance.
    • But, if the piano is out of tune, neither you nor your kids will enjoy playing or listening to it.
    • Don’t rush into piano lessons; practice on your own piano for a while first. Before beginning regular piano lessons, it’s important to get the kid comfortable with the instrument and give them plenty of time to play it on their own.
    • The piano should be practised before lessons. A youngster can study the piano without the danger of ruining the instrument.
    • They will get familiarity with the instrument’s controls and arrangement through this practice (with the black notes in groups of two and three between the white notes).
    • This can help your child feel more comfortable exploring ‘novel’ piano approaches in the first several months of training, saving time and frustration.
    • Purchase a Height-Adjustable Chair/Stool/Bench The pianist’s seating position greatly impacts his or her comfort and ease of performance.
    • Instead of relying on cushions, set up a system that will allow your child to always sit at the piano with the best possible comfort. A pianist’s ability to generate musically gratifying tones is negatively impacted if he or she is not sitting at the proper height.
    • Make sure your child knows the alphabet. Although this won’t be covered until much later in the curriculum, your child will be at least halfway ahead of the game if they already know the musical alphabet.
    • If your youngster can reverse engineer those letters, you’ve saved two additional full classes in the first year of school.
    • Why Your Child Should Take Piano Lessons: many positive outcomes exist for children who take up piano study.
    • We hope that by highlighting a few of them here, you will be encouraged to introduce your child to music and help foster a lifelong appreciation for it.
    • Even if a child demonstrates early talent on the piano, it is unlikely that their parents will encourage them to major in music.
    • Instead, think of all the great things that will come your child’s way as a result of his or her learning to play this classic instrument.
    • Expression of Oneself and the Artistic Method The importance of nurturing a child’s imagination cannot be overstated.
    • There is no denying the importance of artistic release.
    • The piano offers an almost infinite range of emotional expression.
    • It’s possible for your child to learn not only how to play the music of others but also how to compose their own compositions.
    • Taking time to hone your piano skills may be as mentally invigorating as it is socially rewarding.
    • Musicians also tend to excel in the ability to think creatively and in a non-linear approach.
    • Playing the piano can help your kid think more imaginatively about solving challenges.
    • The fact that this important ability is being introduced to youngsters at an early age is quite encouraging.
    • Results Favorable to Cognitive Function Some research suggests that musical training can improve brain function.
    • Regular instrument practice can improve communication between the left and right sides of the brain.
    • In the long run, you should expect to notice improvements in your child’s memory, problem-solving, and communication skills.
    • In light of this information, playing the piano is an excellent mental workout.
    • It has 88 keys, and playing it with two hands involves considerable multitasking and dexterity.
    • Benefits to Individuals and Society Learning to play the piano well takes a lot of work and attention.
    • Youngsters may initially struggle with this, but the structure and practice they gain in lessons quickly pay off in beneficial social and behavioural results.
    • First, a child may benefit from piano lessons due to the upbeat and supportive environment they provide.
    • Their focus and concentration may sharpen with practice, and their ability to stay on task may increase.
    • These abilities are functional in a wide variety of social circumstances.
    • If you want to help your kid make friends and get ready for musical opportunities, getting them to play an instrument could be a good first step.
    • Adding to What We Already Know Because we now know that piano lessons are beneficial for children’s cognitive development, let’s take a look at some of the other ways in which regular piano practice can set your child up for success, especially in light of what they’ve already learned and experienced in the classroom.
    • The importance of having a long attention span in the classroom cannot be overstated, and it was only touched on briefly.
    • Many children, especially those in elementary and middle school, struggle with distractions at school.
    • In addition to the natural gain in focus that comes with maturing, many students claim that taking piano lessons has considerably improved their academic performance.
    • It’s a joy to learn from one another.
    • Children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from playing the piano.
    • More and more individuals with full-time jobs are going back to school.
    • Those who have never touched a piano before are welcome here just as much as those who have played years ago but have since lost interest.
    • Why not take up the piano yourself and teach your child simultaneously?
    • Is it recommended that kids learn to play the piano or other instruments?
    • Yes, without a doubt, and no.
    • It’s great if a child wants to study an instrument, but it’s not required.
    • Neuroimaging studies repeatedly show that musical stimulation improves mental performance.
    • Those who have children who express an interest in school should encourage their desire.
    • Young individuals typically do not give such considerations much weight; adults may come to regret not practising for longer, and they may wish they could sit down at a piano and play anything.
    • After reaching adulthood, many don’t see the value in picking up the piano again, even if just for enjoyment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Are The Benefits Of Piano Lessons For Kids?

    Learning to play the piano can provide numerous benefits for children, including improved cognitive function, hand-eye coordination, and motor skills. It can also help develop discipline, patience, and creativity.

    At What Age Should My Child Start Taking Piano Lessons?

    Children as young as four years old can start learning to play the piano. However, the ideal age to start taking piano lessons may vary depending on the child’s readiness and interest in music.

    How Much Time Should My Child Spend Practicing The Piano Each Day?

    The amount of time a child should spend practicing the piano each day will depend on their age and level of proficiency. Generally, children should aim to practice for at least 30 minutes a day, and gradually increase the time as they become more advanced.

    What Is The Cost Of Piano Lessons For Kids?

    The cost of piano lessons can vary depending on the location, the teacher’s qualifications, and the length of the lesson. Typically, piano lessons can range from $30 to $100 per hour.

    Can Piano Lessons Be Beneficial For Children Who Are Not Musically Inclined?

    Yes, piano lessons can still be beneficial for children who are not naturally musically inclined. Learning to play an instrument can improve cognitive function, discipline, and patience, and can also spark an interest in music that may not have been present before.

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